Our Annual Picnic will be held September 29 from 1:00 pm until about 4:00, in Maplewood. We will provide sandwiches, beverages, and dessert.  We will have music again this year, the popular Laka (pronounced “Lay-ka”) and her band will perform.  Donations can be made at https://www.au.org. or at the event. Membership in AU includes a subscription to the excellent monthly, “Church and State” and costs only $35 per year.

Pulitzer Prize winning St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist Tony Messenger will our guest and speaker. Mr. Messenger is the best reason to subscribe to the paper!  He won a Pulitzer Prize in 2019 for his series of columns about debtor prisons in Missouri, and has been recognized with many other awards for his investigative journalism. He is author of “Profit and Punishment: How America Criminalizes the Poor in the Name of Justice” (Macmillan, 2021).

Come on out, and bring your family for a fun afternoon! Details, including the venue, will be provided to those who RSVP to Pres@stlau.org

  We strongly supported the petition effort to repeal the current no-exceptions ban on abortions in Missouri, which we learned on 9/11/2024 will be on the November ballot!

A link to a comprehensive description of the ruling can be found on the KWMU Web site. Our national office issued a statement on Friday, June 14, expressing our respectful disagreement. Of course, the initiative petition that would, if passed, revoke Missouri’s draconian law against virtually all abortions will be on the ballot in November. However, the effect would not be as clear an affirmation of Missouri’s constitutional statement that church and state are and should be separate as a ruling in our favor would have been. We are disappointed by not surprised.