Inside the movement to redirect billions of taxpayer dollars to private religious schools.

This is investigative reporting by Alec MacGillis in the New Yorker Magazine of January 20, 2025.  Focusing on Ohio, but as a template for similar efforts in other states, this article should be read by every person concerned about the diversion of public funds to private religious education.  The article appears beginning on page 40 0f the January 20, 2025 issue.  The online version is behind a pay wall, but you may be able to read it from the co-publisher, ProPublica.

The meeting that was to be at The Heights, was postponed to Saturday evening April 27, 7:00-9:00 pm.  It featured an update on our lawsuit against the state of Missouri by Denise Lieberman, AU’s local attorney for the case, and comments by some of the plaintiffs.    We had a report on the status of bills in the Missouri legislature that impinge on church/state separation.

The business meeting included an update on our finances, plans for the annual picnic and other activities, and the election of new Board members.

A persuasive op-ed appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on July 24, 2023. Its authors are L. Lewis Wall and Douglas Brown, Emeritus Professors in the Washington University School of Medicine. They describe the ways in which the “personhood” claim relative to abortion riights violates the religious liberties of citizens. All of this is relevant to our suit against the state of Missouri. Read (or listen to) the whole essay here.


The St. Louis Post-Dispatch republished on June 5, 2023, an editorial from the Kansas City Star that urged Governor Mike Parson not to sign a bill (SB 34) passed in the most recent legislative session. It would allow public schools to offer elective courses on the Bible.  We have testified against this bill every time it has been proposed over the last few years, and managed to kill it until 2023.  We don’t trust the Christian right nor the legislature to define appropriate boundaries for these courses, which will often be taught in public schools in which a vocal if diminishing Christian majority often dominates. Other religious texts are not included

Click on the underscored bill number to see the text. Contact your legislator or the bill sponsor to register your opposition or support.

HB 136 (Brad Hudson [R]) Prohibits public institutions from discriminating against religious student organizations. [Such organizations often limit leadership to members of “their” religion, in contravention to the institutional rules about discrimination.] Senate General Laws Committee Hearing 4/26 was cancelled.

Josh Hurlbert (R) has a slew of bills to expand the Mo Empowerment Scholarship program, which provides vouchers to the parents of private school students. HB 242 and HB 572 (Sander (R) expand the program to any elementary or secondary student in the state, and requires that all students receive a grant equal to the state adequacy target. HB 243 expands the program to Boone, Cass, Franklin, Greene, Jasper, and Platte counties. (Same as HB 875) Second reading 1/5. HB 244 defines all enrolled students as “qualified” for scholarships. Second reading 1/5. HB 245 allows parents receiving the “scholarships” to forgo the grant for a year,  without having losing eligibility or having to requalify. These are Dead – reported “do not pass” by House Rules Committee, and not on calendar. Dead

HB 293 Alex Riley [R] Establishes the so-called Religious Freedom Protection Act. Hearing held 1/25. 6 testifying in support, 4 in opposition, including our Brian Kaylor. Dead. Reported “Do pass” by House Rules Committee, but no action in the Senate.

HB 398 (Keri Ingle [D]) Prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion in the placement of foster children. This is one we can support, but it went nowhere in this legislature. Dead – not assigned to a committee.

HB 484 (Ben Baker [R]) and SB 34 ) Enables public schools to offer elective courses in “the Hebrew Scriptures” and the New Testament. We testified against this two years ago, and it was introduced again last year, too. Sunday School an additional five days per week. The Senate version of this is SB 34. (Karla May [D] 4/18 . Was delivered for the Governor’s signature

HB 485 (Ben Baker [R]) Allows firearms in churches and other places of worship with a concealed carry permit. This actually prevents places of worship from excluding guns.  4/17 reported Do Pass (7-3) by Rules Committee – not on Calendar. Amended onto  HB 282 , which allows open carry almost everywhere. Was not sent to the Governor, despite having votes in House and Senate.

HB 632 (Dirk Deaton [R]) Establishment of the “Office of Faith-Based Initiatives and Religious Liberty Advocate” for the purpose of strengthening and expanding the role of faith-based organizations in providing social services, information about state grants and other state partnerships, and promoting the fundamental human right to religious liberty. Dead – not assigned to Committee

HB 768 (Herman Morse [R]) Private schools that meet “state requirements” (which ones?) for public school districts can receive public funding. Dead – not assigned to Committee.

Contacts for Missouri legislators can be found at



Our Annual Meeting was held at 7:00 pm on Thursday, April 25, 2019 at the Ethical Society, 9001 Clayton Road, 63117.  We had a panel of experts on the Missouri Legislature, including Missouri State Representative Deb Lavender of Kirkwood, Karen Aroesty, Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League, and James Croft, Outreach Director of the Ethical Society of St. Louis, discussing “Destroying the Wall”, the attacks on church/state separation in the current session. It was be moderated by our President, Cynthia Holmes.

TonyMessengerUnder the headline “Constitutional Balancing Act Topples Under SJR 39”, Tony Messenger’s column for Sunday, April 24, 2016, describes a report by law professors from Washington University, St. Louis University, UMKC and UMC on the constitutionality of this controversial measure.  We are pleased to see that some of the best constitutional experts in the state have  come to the same conclusion that we reached weeks ago.  Read Messenger’s column, and also our remarks and those of our national office about this issue that were posted on March 10.

Our Annual meeting was held April 14 at the Center of Clayton. The featured speaker, Missouri Senator Jill Schupp drew a good crowd of about 40JillAndJoyceEdited. Senator Schupp has been in the news recently because of her actions relative to SJR 39, as you can read in the Post-Dispatch story about it.

Senator Schupp is shown seated with long-time former ACLU Executive Director Joyce Armstrong.  In the background are, from left to right, our Secretary, Mary O’Reilly, and Directors Richard Haar, Chris Guinther, and Keith Hubbard (with his wife).


Another view of the meeting in its early stages. As usual, Board member Ann Pollack is making good use of a spare moment to work on a knitting project. After her more prepared remarks, Senator Shupp (center, in white) entertained questions from the group.