Only a large handful of us went to see the documentary “Hail Satan?” at the Tivoli Theater on Saturday, May 18. Afterward, some of us went over to Blueberry Hill to share our reactions to this unusual film.  None of us wee previously knowledgeable about the Satanic Temple, whose activities raise serious questions about the separation of church and state, and especially the support for religion by installation of monuments to the Ten Commandments on public land.  Try comparing the theological tenets of the Ten Commandments to the Tenets of the Satanic Temple.  Which would you prefer to endorse by the government? This is a provocative movie, and we may try to arrange to show it at a Movie Night when it is no longer being shown commercially.

We had a booth at this year’s Earth Days celebration, Saturday and Sunday, April 27 and 28 at the Forest Park lower MUNY entrance.  Many people came by to say hello, encourage us, and sign up for our mailing list.

Our Annual Meeting was held at 7:00 pm on Thursday, April 25, 2019 at the Ethical Society, 9001 Clayton Road, 63117.  We had a panel of experts on the Missouri Legislature, including Missouri State Representative Deb Lavender of Kirkwood, Karen Aroesty, Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League, and James Croft, Outreach Director of the Ethical Society of St. Louis, discussing “Destroying the Wall”, the attacks on church/state separation in the current session. It was be moderated by our President, Cynthia Holmes.

When you buy stuff from Amazon, you can have 0.5% of your purchase be donated to AU-St. Louis. This does not add anything to your bill, and everything else is just as usual. All you have to do is to use instead of the ordinary address, then identify us as the recipient of your gift. The direct link to us is

Thank you for considering this.

St. Louis had the largest continent (six) of any Chapter of AU at the annual National meeting in Washington, on October 29 and 30. It was an informative and inspirational experience, featuring our new President and CEO, Rachel Laser (in the middle of the picture).  Highlights of the meeting can be found in the December issue of Church and State. A new video that gives a succinct view of what AU stands for is now available:  Click here to watch it!

We had a chance to greet our long-time Executive Director, Barry Lynn, who was looking healthy after his heart attack last year.

Article VI, Clause 3 of the constitution guarantees that citizens are not required to have a specific set of religious beliefs, or any at all, in order to exercise their rights.  Nevertheless, Americans have an aversion to atheists in public life, as is described a thoughtful review, “Without a Prayer: Why are Americans Still Uncomfortable with Atheism” by Casey Cep in the October 29 New Yorker of two books: “Godless Citizens in a Godly Republic: Atheists in American Public Life”(Norton) by Cornell Professors R. Laurence Moore and Isaac Kramnick and “Seven Types of Atheism” (Farrar, Straus & Giroux) by philosopher John Gray. If you don’t get to the books, the review is well worth reading. Click on the article link above.