We had planned to have State Representative Stacey Newman, who represents the 87th district give us an update on happenings in the legislature, but her work in Jefferson City kept her there. However, we were very pleased and fortunate to have Anti-defamation League Regional Director Karen Aroesty provide a broader view of the law with respect to religious freedom. The meeting was at 7:00 pm on April 20 at The Center of Clayton, 50 Gay Avenue in Clayton.  Light refreshments were served, and over twenty members attended. This was also our official Annual Meeting, and four current board members were re-elected.

Trinity Lutheran Church in Columbia would like to get public funding to improve their preschool playground. After their application to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources was denied, they sued in federal court, claiming that they had been discriminated against. They lost in that trial but appealed to the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, which also ruled against them. In January 2016, the Supreme Court agreed to hear their case, and it has now been scheduled for arguments on April 19.  The details of the case are described in Church and State: http://au.org/media/press-releases/mo-church-has-no-right-to-taxpayer-funds-americans-united-and-allies-tell-us. The most recent development is that Missouri Attorney General Hawley has appointed James Layton, who served under previous Attorney General Koster to defend Missouri’s Blaine Amendment.

We had another successful Movie Night on February 16 at The Ethical Society.  The video was the award-winning documentary, “The Revisionaries”, by Scott Thurman.  It is the story of the Texas State Board of Education’ decisions on curricula, that determine the content of textbooks throughout the country for years at a time.  The 2010  round of decisions was dominated by the religious right. This video tells the complicated story of the “standards” decision and how the two sides battled over the contents of American education. The Ethical Society was again our host for the evening, and we enjoyed the much-improved sound system for the video setup that we have donated to the Society.

This event could not have been more topical.  A story about the 2017 battle over evolution in Texas textbooks appeared in the Post-Dispatch for February 1, 2017.

2016PicnicOur annual picnic was at the south picnic shelter in Shaw Park, Clayton, Mo, on October 2. One of our own Board members, Christine Guinther, was our speaker. Christine is Past President of the Missouri National Education Association, and spoke about Church/State issues relevant to a classroom teacher or principal.

On September 6, a Letter to the Editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch was published, advocating taxpayer support for special needs education in Catholic schools. (Click link to read).

Our response (below) appeared in the 9/10 edition. Unfortunately, they omitted my affiliation with AU:

While it could be true, as Lisa Wilson writes (Taxes could help Catholic Schools educate special needs students, September 6), that all it takes to educate special needs students is “willingness and money”, there are many who would say that other things are also required. If Catholic schools are willing to provide special education, there seems to be little evidence of it. However, it is indisputable that religious schools would like to use public tax dollars, preferably without the need to meet state standards. There are excellent reasons why diversion of public money to religious institutions is not allowed.  One of the best is in the Missouri Constitution, Article 1, Section 7: “…no money shall ever be taken from the public treasury, directly or indirectly, in aid of any church, sect or denomination of religion, or in aid of any priest, preacher, minister or teacher thereof, as such; and that no preference shall be given to nor any discrimination made against any church, sect or creed of religion, or any form of religious faith or worship.” Of course, this section of our state constitution is consistent with the first amendment to the United States Constitution, which constitutes the basis for separation of church and state. While we are delighted that Mrs. Wilson is pleased with the education provided by the taxpayers to her son, we hope that she can find a Catholic church to provide the religious training that she greatly values.

Hal Harris
Creve Coeur, MO
Vice-President, St. Louis Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State

We are pleased to announce that the St. Louis Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State provided a free forum to leaders of religious LeonardFrankel1organizations about what the law allows them to do, or precludes them from doing, with regard to political support for candidates and issues.  Religious organizations that have tax-exempt status risk losing those privileges if they transgress the law.  The forum was held at the Mid-County Library in Clayton on September 1, 2016 (just in time for the election!) at 7:00p.  Information was by our President, Cynthia Holmes, and distinguished attorney Leonard Frankel (pictured left).  This was not be a MeetUp event, because we are targeting religious leaders rather than our own membership.

This timely subject is the cover story and the editorial of the June issue of Church and State. Click on those links to see the complete articles. Franklin Graham’s most recent foray into unconstitutional use of tax-exempt funds for political purposes is described briefly in the July/August issue.

20160424_144713Many of our Board members were at our booth at the annual Earth Day celebration in front of the Muny Opera in Forest Park on Sunday, April 24. It was a sunny and warm day, and a huge crowd showed up. Parking was very tight for those who drove, but not much a problem for those like me who biked! Special thanks to Board member Richard Haar, who got us organized and stayed at the booth all day. He is the handsome fellow shown with (left to right) New Treasurer Helene Sherman, Old Treasurer Carol Bartell, and Secretary Mary O’Reilly in the photo.

TonyMessengerUnder the headline “Constitutional Balancing Act Topples Under SJR 39”, Tony Messenger’s column for Sunday, April 24, 2016, describes a report by law professors from Washington University, St. Louis University, UMKC and UMC on the constitutionality of this controversial measure.  We are pleased to see that some of the best constitutional experts in the state have  come to the same conclusion that we reached weeks ago.  Read Messenger’s column, and also our remarks and those of our national office about this issue that were posted on March 10.